Serratus Posterior Inferior

Where do I put the pads?

This muscle draws the lower ribs backward and downward to assist in rotation and extension of the trunk. The Serratus Posterior Inferior is an accessory muscle for respiration and helps to elevate the ribs when inhaling and exhaling.

Common Symptoms

  • Lower-back pain
  • Pain symptoms usually are over the muscle itself
  • Trouble moving that area
  • Spasm

Common Causes

  • Twisting the body when lifting
  • Overreaching
  • Sleeping on a mattress that's too soft
  • Lifting using the back muscles instead of the leg muscles

Recommended Pads


Designed to be a great all-around pad. It works anywhere & it’s easy to use.


Lower Back

The lower back pad was designed to span across the entire lower back specifically the muscles connected to the lumbar region of the vertebrae.

Lower Back

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