Peroneus Tertius
Where do I put the pads?
near the Peroneus Brevis/Longus. This muscle sits on the outside of the leg right above the ankle. Some people do not have this muscle; however it does not impact the overall strength or a greater risk for ankle injury.
Common Symptoms
- This muscle connects to tendons, so tendonitus is a common reason for pain that leads to the following symptoms:
- Ankle pain and swelling
- Pain on the outside of foot
- Pain up the lower leg
- Tenderness behind the ankle bone
Common Causes
- Typically from overuse/repetitive motion. risk facotrs for peroneal tendonitus include:
- Age over 40
- Conditions such as arthritis or diabetes
- Previous ankle injuries
- High arches
- Excess weight
- Smoking
- Long distance running
- Tight calves
- Running up steep slopes or accelorating quickly (i.e. sprint runners)
Recommended Pads
Designed to be a great all-around pad. It works anywhere & it’s easy to use.