Levator Scapulae

Where do I put the pads?

These muscles lie in the posterior triangle of the neck. The levator scapulae muscles primarily function to elevate the scapulae and also assist in extension of the neck. These muscles also can laterally flex the neck.

Common Symptoms

  • Pain in the sides of neck
  • Upper shoulder pain
  • Shoulder blade pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headache

Common Causes

  • Poor posture
  • Injuries to neck or upper spinal column
  • Overuse
  • Pressure on shoulder from carrying bags
  • Sleeping on stomach with head turned
  • Muscle tension and stiffness

Recommended Pads


Designed to be a great all-around pad. It works anywhere & it’s easy to use.


Upper Back

This is the largest pad we make, and requires two Halo units to function properly. The top attaches between the neck and shoulders, and follows the trapezius muscle down to the middle of the back.

Upper Back

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